What do you enjoy most about being a member of True Spirit CrossFit & Yoga?
"Well, I wasn't fit at all! I didn't want to go on bike rides with my baby or take her to the park. An underdog....I would faint at the thought of it."
What was your fitness, CrossFit, or yoga "life" like before you started training with us?
"Chris Amant is a coworker of mine; and he watched me struggling with eating healthy with no activity. He encouraged me to try Baseline and Beers; I finished in over 8 minutes with some modifications. But I was sore for DAYS afterwards and I needed to go back after that!"
What was the first thing fun or positive thing you experienced while training with us?
"Instant fitness level! I was able to instantly see the physical change; it was like my body was just waiting to get rid of excess weight and my body starting craving to lift and feel the weights leave and fitness starting! My favorite thing so far is Deadlifting and rowing!"
What was your first impression of us? Has that changed?
"A family; a CrossFit Family! The only thing that changed for me was the proof of the tight supportive family! I am happy to be apart of it!"
Are you working on any special CrossFit related skill now?
"I want to be able to do a pull up! In order for my to do that I am working on my core strength; in home as well as my works outs; I've been really concentrating on that!"
How has you life changed since training with TSCF?
"I took my baby to the Fair this summer! We went everywhere did everything 3 times over and over! (We had VIP passes from my work) She was exhausted by the time we left the fair! And hungry; as we were leaving I got her a Fair Hot Dog (gotta have one) and a Lemon-aid. We walked out of the gates and she asked me if she could have a piggy back ride....instantly I was going to say no...then I stopped and said YES! Her face lit up 'REALLY.' I gave her a piggy back ride about a 1/2 mile to our car while she held her hot dog in one hand and her drink in another! I haven't washed my face in four months! This isn't just the workouts, but because of the work outs I have changed my eating habits because why would I work out then eat everything!"
What's your favorite True Spirit CrossFit memory?
"Coach Leslie said to me one time,'Look up at Ava.' She was in the kids section looking down on me. I smiled and waved and gave me her winning smile and waved! Leslie looked at me she said, 'Your daughter is watching you be strong and work hard.' Lead by Example! I love this program and am so blessed to be a part of it!"
What do you enjoy most about being a member of True Spirit CrossFit & Yoga?
"Well, I wasn't fit at all! I didn't want to go on bike rides with my baby or take her to the park. An underdog....I would faint at the thought of it."
What was your fitness, CrossFit, or yoga "life" like before you started training with us?
"Chris Amant is a coworker of mine; and he watched me struggling with eating healthy with no activity. He encouraged me to try Baseline and Beers; I finished in over 8 minutes with some modifications. But I was sore for DAYS afterwards and I needed to go back after that!"
What was the first thing fun or positive thing you experienced while training with us?
"Instant fitness level! I was able to instantly see the physical change; it was like my body was just waiting to get rid of excess weight and my body starting craving to lift and feel the weights leave and fitness starting! My favorite thing so far is Deadlifting and rowing!"
What was your first impression of us? Has that changed?
"A family; a CrossFit Family! The only thing that changed for me was the proof of the tight supportive family! I am happy to be apart of it!"
Are you working on any special CrossFit related skill now?
"I want to be able to do a pull up! In order for my to do that I am working on my core strength; in home as well as my works outs; I've been really concentrating on that!"
How has you life changed since training with TSCF?
"I took my baby to the Fair this summer! We went everywhere did everything 3 times over and over! (We had VIP passes from my work) She was exhausted by the time we left the fair! And hungry; as we were leaving I got her a Fair Hot Dog (gotta have one) and a Lemon-aid. We walked out of the gates and she asked me if she could have a piggy back ride....instantly I was going to say no...then I stopped and said YES! Her face lit up 'REALLY.' I gave her a piggy back ride about a 1/2 mile to our car while she held her hot dog in one hand and her drink in another! I haven't washed my face in four months! This isn't just the workouts, but because of the work outs I have changed my eating habits because why would I work out then eat everything!"
What's your favorite True Spirit CrossFit memory?
"Coach Leslie said to me one time,'Look up at Ava.' She was in the kids section looking down on me. I smiled and waved and gave me her winning smile and waved! Leslie looked at me she said, 'Your daughter is watching you be strong and work hard.' Lead by Example! I love this program and am so blessed to be a part of it!"