It's Mobility Monday and today we are going to do a whole suite of wrist, shoulder and thoracic mobility exercises to get you ready for the workout of the day. Our Mobility Monday video is with Dr. DeBell of The Movement Fix. Today you'll be working two drills to improve your scapular mobility. Many of you struggle with overhead lifts such as thrusters and overhead squats. Pay attention to this video. Happy Birthday Caleb!We hope your special day is filled with lots of love, laughter and good times! Today's Workout
"Death By" - Thrusters and Overhead Squats : 1 rep + 1 rep / 1 min 1 Thruster, 95/65 lbs and 1 Overhead Squat, 95/65 lbs in the first 1 min, 2 Thrusters and 2 OHS in the second minute, etc. Today's workout has huge demands on your core strength and shoulder stability. Anytime we take weight overhead we must engage our core muscles. We are working on power, strength, stamina, and balance in this workout. Oddly enough, it is likely your wrists that will be your limiting factor in this workout. They are strongly extended for the entire workout. If you know you have limited wrist mobility, get to class a few minutes early on work on the issues in your tissues. Compare to Oct 6, 2015
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