Team Czapp at last year's CrossFit Games Open. You often hear us Coaches talk about the difference between training, practicing and competing. In class, everyday, you are training and practicing. This means you're scaling complexity, managing load and volume for a specific stimulus, and working on mechanics and consistency. Training and practicing are what make you better, more efficient, and ultimately faster, stronger and more fit. If you're competing in class by comparing your times/score to others you are missing a HUGE opportunity to work on your own fitness. If you are competing in class you are letting your ego get the better of you. Your ego is not what's going to make you faster, stronger and more fit. Your ego only cares about right now. It doesn't care about the progressions, the process, the mechanics, or the consistency. But, you need the progressions, the process, the mechanics, and the consistency to get faster, stronger and more fit. The time for being competitive is when you're in an actual competition like Row'd Royalty, The Open, or Festivus Games. We LOVE competition. Competition reveals our character, our grit, our fortitude. Competition is the culmination of months of training and practicing. And, competition season is upon us. Today, registration for the 2018 CrossFit Games Open begins! The Open is a worldwide 5 week online CrossFit competition, and we do it every year. It starts Feb 22 and goes through March. We will, again, form intramural teams and have some fun every week with Friday Night Lights. We will program The Open workout as the workout of the day in all of our classes on Fridays. You'll be doing The Open workouts even if you don't officially sign up. But, you really should officially sign up. We all start together! Let's do this! Go to to register today!
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