Coach Noah demonstrates a lovely pistol. Want to learn how to do pistols? Attend his 8 week gymnastics clinic! It starts on Nov 30. Enroll online.
The folks at Precision Nutrition recently published blog that resonated with us. We feel it might resonate with you, too. It's all about being ok with being not-ok. What if we all put aside our desire to always be striving for something that might not be achievable? What if we became ok with who we Wouldn't that be a nice stress-less way to live? Here are 7 things we can do, right now, to accept ourselves as we are now, in our own imperfect messy lives. "1. Reboot your expectations for getting into shape. Many of us hold ourselves to an unrealistic expectation of how "in shape" we "should" be. Here are a few things about getting into shape.
“Fit and healthy” comes in many sizes, shapes, and abilities
Grappling with pain — whether that’s actual pain and suffering, or just small daily annoyances — is part of being human. As adults, we recognize life’s complexity and richness. Wanting to “be perfect” or “have it all” is not an adult wish. It’s a child wish: to have all the toys, all the time, even your sister’s. What if you tried to be “good enough” — just showing up and trying your best in an imperfect situation. 4. Recognize and respect your not-OK-ness. It’s OK to not be OK. None of us are 100 percent OK.
The trick is to learn how to be OK with that not-OKness, and work on making things just a little bit better.
Here’s THE SECRET. The steps that lead to success? They’re almost all small things. Success comes from putting small things on top of small things on top of small things. 7. Find your work-arounds. Do you need accommodation or help? Find it. Get it. Work on creating a system that you trust to help yourself. When we start accepting our own limitations — our own “not-OKness” — that’s when we start making changes for the better. We embrace the small improvements that add up over time. We treat ourselves with more compassion and evolve past an “all or nothing” attitude. We pick ourselves up after we fall down, and we make course corrections when we need to. And we ask for help when we need it. Best of all, the more we accept being not OK, the more life feels… well, a little more OK." Read the entire Precision Nutrition blog here. We hope you're OK with Today's Workout. Power to the People Deadlift Day 8 or 5-5-5-5-5 snatch 3 rounds for time of: 10 pistols 10 toes to bar 5 Burpee broad jumps
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