Everyone was happy to be done with their initial challenge workout on Saturday!
We have 58 people on our 2015 New Year Whole Life Challenge! Incredible! What a phenomenal experience to be on a team with over 50 other people who are motivated to make significant and lasting changes to their lifestyle. All of us on the challenge are making better decisions about nutrition, hydration, exercise, mobility, vitamin and mineral supplements, lifestyle choices and daily reflection. Each week during the 8 week challenge there is a new lifestyle challenge. This week, the challenge is to be mindful for 10 minutes every day. The can be accomplished through silent prayer, meditation, and journaling. Mindfulness can be as simple as focusing on breath. We will try this in class with box breathing. Box breathing is a technique used by Zen monks and Navy Seals alike. It allows you to develop razor sharp focus for a task. Before you begin your WOD, take three breaths where you inhale for a count of 3, hold the breath for a count of 3, exhale for a count of 3, and pause for a count of 3 before you inhale again. This technique allows your brain to focus on the present moment. It's a great technique to use when you feel your thoughts are running in a million directions. Take it back to the breath, and you will gain perspective. That's mindfulness. Want to hear more about box breathing? Listen to this. Today's Workout Front Squat Wendler Week 2 5 reps at 50% 1RM using 3 2 1 Tempo 5 reps at 60% 1RM using 3 2 1 Tempo 3 reps at 70% 1RM 3 reps at 80% 1RM Max reps at 90% 1RM then For Time 500m row 40 air squats 30 sit ups 20 push ups 20 pull ups 20 push ups 30 sit ups 40 air squats 500m row
1 Comment
sarah a
1/20/2015 12:49:30 pm
that looks awfully like a double baseline...
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