Today is another great example of the brilliant CrossFit Games Open programming mind of Dave Castro. While some of you might be discouraged by the inclusion of the muscle ups, don't worry. When I did this workout in 2014, I got through only 10 reps of the power cleans. That's what makes this workout so brilliant and brutal. You are limited by time and of course skill.
If you don't have toes-to-bar, no worries! You still get a score of 60 from the row, then you can scale to knees to elbows or hanging knee raises. The Open is a great test or your mental and physical fitness. We will be forming Intramural Teams for the 2017 CrossFit Games Open. Each team competes for points and bragging rights. We will divide up participants evenly amongst two teams. Here's the points breakdown. 1 point - Register for the 2017 CrossFit Games Open 1 point - Complete The Open workout 1 point - Complete The Open workout at the FREE Friday Night Lights event 3 points - Finish in the top 3 Rx'd 3 points - Finish in the top 3 Scaled 2 points - Get a PR or do something for the first time 5 points - Spirit of the Open - awarded at the end of each Friday Night Lights event The 2017 CrossFit Games Open starts Feb. 23rd. We will do Open Workout 17.1 in class on Friday, Feb 24th. Be a part of something special! BUT FIRST - Register for FEMME FATALE WEEK! Complete the RSVP form below so I know how many shirts to order! Femme Fatale is a great way to prepare for The Open.
Today's Workout
CrossFit Games Open 14.4 As many reps in 14 mins as you can of: 60 Row for calories 50 Toes-to-bars 40 Wall Balls 20/14 30 Cleans 135/95 lbs 20 Muscle-ups Do this workout as prescribed, even if you don't make it through the entire chipper, and it counts toward your BTWB Light Fitness Level. Want to know how Annie Thorisdottir's coach prepped her for this workout? Watch this video. Compare to Sep 6, 2014 Happy Birthday Sarah Anderson!
We hope your special day is filled with love, laughter and a barbell:-)
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August 2024