Coach Kendra is Marching into a Healthy Spring and she wants YOU to join her. She is already working with Coach Audy on a personalized nutrition program so she is going to do a 30 min skill session with Coach James on rowing. Thursday's Theme - Time to Self CareAre you excited for our March into Spring Healthy Lifestyle Challenge? It starts this Sunday and we need YOU to sign up today!
Every Thursday you will spend a little time taking care of yourself. We have mobility activities to help you with the issues in your tissues. You might spend a few minutes in couch stretch or do a few Sun Salutations. Either way, you will benefit from a few moments of down time and you will feed good after you stretch your aching CrossFit muscles. You will also spend some time developing and refining your personal values. You might limit social media, or pick a new book to read, or reconnect with a friend. Thursday's are time for your personal growth and development. It's not often that we set aside time in our busy lives to work on us. We are always doing something else for someone else. Every Thursday you're going to do something specifically for you. Enjoy! We are supporting you in this challenge by:
At the end of the 31 Day Challenge, all who finish each and every daily task will get a cash prize. The more people who participate in the challenge, the bigger the pot of cash will be. So, grab your gym buddies and get ready to March into a Healthy Spring! Click on the image below to sign up!
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August 2024