Jim Curry gets AWESOME extension in this clean. Keep the bar close and JUMP!
This week's Whole Life Challenge weekly lifestyle challenge is to connect with someone important in your life everyday. Connection is an important component of a healthy and fulfilling life. Often when life gets stressful and we feel overwhelmed we disconnect from people. We might go for days, weeks or even months without reaching out. We may continue to be disengaged because at some point it feels like more work to bring someone up to speed on your crazy, stressed-out life. In our non-logical emotional brains we rationalize away meaningful connections because they seem like more work. This is, of course, false logic. Connection with people can help give us perspective or an important nonjudgmental outlet. Simply put, connection makes us more human, and by connection we mean REAL connection. Not social media fluff and stuff. But actual verbal or written connection. It is these human connections that help us feel less lonely, less isolated, or less strange. Connecting with folks can help you feel like you're not the only person going through the stress of family, work, money, whatever. Here are the simple instructions for this week's lifestyle challenge.
100 Double Unders 21-15-9 Power Clean 135/95# Bar Facing Burpee 100 Double Unders
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August 2024