Dover is a team Captain for our Intramural Open competition! The single biggest and most exciting CrossFit event is just one month away! Of course, we're talking about the CrossFit Games Open. The Open is a worldwide CrossFit competition. It's 5 weeks long, and it is a TON OF FUN. Every Wednesday, Starting Feb 24th (after Femme Fatale Week), CrossFit will release a workout. There will be an Rx'd and scaled version of the workout. Our teams have until the following Monday to complete the workout and enter our scores. The CrossFit Games Open workout will be the Workout of the Day every Friday starting Feb 29th and ending March 25th. You're going to do The Open workouts anyway, so you might as well participate in the Intramural Open. The Intramural Open is a FREE team event in which we compete against each other. We support, encourage, count reps and help our teammates do fantastic things. We have two teams captained by Dover and Red Feather Heather. These two captains have drafted their first round teams based on those of you who've already said they'd compete in The Open. So far our teams are:
Captains are now free to bribe, coerce or otherwise attempt to sign up any member for their team. You can expect that one of our Captain's will be asking YOU to join their team. Here are the details of the Intramural Open.
COST Participation in the Intramural Open is FREE. However, more points will be earned by folks who are officially registered for The Open ($20). SCORING The Intramural Open is built to increase participation and fun. Scoring reflects those goals: 1. Teams are given 1 point for every athlete who officially signs up for The Open. 2. Teams are given 1 point for every athlete who completes a given Open workout in the Friday 6am, 9am, or 11:45am classes. 3. Teams are given 2 points for every athlete who completes a given Open workout at the 5:30pm Friday Night Lights team event. 4. Teams are given 2 points for every athlete who PRs or does something as Rx'd (including scaled Rx'd) for the first time, e.g. first toes to bar, pull-ups, double unders, etc. 5. Teams are given 3 points for every athlete who finishes among the top 3 women or top 3 men in the gym per workout (Rx'd and Scaled). 6. Teams are given 5 points if they win the “Spirit of the Open” award on any given week. SCHEDULING 1. All regularly scheduled group classes on Fridays during the Open will host Open workouts. Athletes can attend any group and score points for their Intramural team. 2. The 5:30pm class will become our Friday Night Lights Intramural Open event. Attendance at Friday Night Lights is free for competitors. 3. We try to have even number of members of each Intramural team represented in each heat. 4. We also host a “last-chance qualifier” on Sunday afternoons for athletes who can’t make any group on Friday or those crazy enough to attempt the workouts twice. Are you ready? Sign up here and then join a team. Today's Workout Strength: Burgener Press Week 5 5 reps @ 80% 1RM 4 reps @85% 1RM 3 reps @90% 1RM 2 reps @95% 1RM Metabolic Conditioning Slammin’ Annie 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of: Ball Slams Sit-Ups
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August 2024