Sumo deadlifts are on the menu today. Sumo deadlifts are a legitimate deadlift variation and are used by world class powerlifters to pull massive weights. Watch this video to see the Guinness World Record Sumo Deadlift.
Sumo deadlift, with it's wider stance, upright torso and shorter barbell path, can be a better lifting position for folks with hip and hamstring mobility issues, or a history of low back pain. Tell us what you think of the Sumo deadlift in the comments. Today's Workout Practice: Gymnastics Pulling Progressions - 3 - 5 rounds not for time. Pick a hollow body hold, pull-up, muscle-up, rope climb or T2B progression that challenges you. You can pick an item from different levels.
In 5 Mins complete: 45 cal Row Max reps box jumps 24/20" Rest 2 mins In 5 Mins complete: 45 cal Row Max reps Sumo deadlift 135/95# Today's workout is intended to be fast and help us train for Fight Gone Bad (our WLC workout.) You should row quickly, but not at an all out sprint. Aim for 75-80% effort on the row so you can tap into your anaerobic engines for the box jumps and Sumo deadlifts. The Sumo deadlifts should be much heavier than what you used in FGB. We are NOT finishing with a high-pull. We are specifically working our Sumo deadlift technique. Good luck! RSVP For Femme Fatale Week Today!
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August 2024