Ben and Mike climb the rope.
Muhammad Ali once said, "I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was." How do you think Ali's self talk affected his training, his practice and his competitions? What words do you say to yourself when you're in the middle of a lift, or a workout? There is nothing more heartbreaking for me as a coach to hear someone say, "I don't..., "I can't...", "Yeah, but I did it scaled." We are capable of so much more than we think. In fact, Coach Glassman, founder of CrossFit said the biggest adaption to CrossFit is between your ears. We coaches are constantly cueing and encouraging, in fact we are downright relentless, because we know for most of you the internal dialog is crap. We know because we've been there. We try to be the voice you want to hear inside your head. Have you ever noticed how our cues are positive, e.g. we say, "keep going," or "one more rep," rather than "don't stop"? There is a reason behind our specificity. When you hear, "don't stop," either as an internal dialog or from a "well meaning" encourager, your brain ignores the first word, "don't" and focuses on the second, "stop." Then you obsess about stoping and taking a break. Instead, when you hear, "keep going," or ,"one more rep," your brain focuses on going and more. Next time you're in the middle of a workout, possibly the one you'll be doing today, reword your internal dialog into positive and affirmative statements. It takes a little mental physics, and the rewards will be worth it.
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August 2024