We have been working on our snatch for 5 weeks now. We have developed it through drills, practice, getting heavy, and today we end our snatch work with a CrossFit Games Open Workout from 2013. This workout taxes your ability to keep good form and efficient technique as you progress through the ladder of snatches.
As with any high rep snatch workout, the pull from the floor becomes increasingly important as fatigue sets in. You might find some benefit from SLOWING DOWN your pull from the floor. The energy you save by keeping the bar close will help you keep going as the reps accumulate. Scale the snatches by starting with a lighter weight. Aim to get through at least two rounds of the snatches before the 17min time cap. We have started our #fititforward campaign. This week you are paying forward your fitness to a friend. Teach a friend to squat, post a picture on Instagram or Facebook and tag #truespiritcrossfitandyoga and #fititforward. Your friend will be entered into our drawing for FREE FOUNDATIONS! Bring your friend to guest days on April 8 & 9th! Today's Workout Spend some time working on your snatch technique then, CrossFit Games Open Workout 13.1 As many reps in 17 mins as you can of: 40 Burpees 30 Snatches 75/45 lbs 30 Burpees 30 Snatches 135/75 lbs 20 Burpees 30 Snatches 165/100 lbs 10 Burpees max reps Snatches 210/120 lbs Compare to Aug 8, 2015
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August 2024