Ben overhead split squats and Heather U. does a standard overhead squat. The squats come from the rack today. The overhead squat is a tricky squat for many of us to develop. Many folks have trouble overhead squatting with a PVC pipe, and it's not from lack of strength. The OHS demands core strength, shoulder stability, balance and hip, ankle and knee flexibility. Coach Glassman, founder of CrossFit, says this about the OHS: “The overhead squat is the ultimate core exercise, the heart of the snatch, and peerless in developing effective athletic movement. This functional gem trains for efficient transfer of energy from large to small body parts – the essence of sport movement. For this reason it is an indispensable tool for developing speed and power. The overhead squat also demands and develops functional flexibility, and similarly develops the squat by amplifying and cruelly punishing faults in squat posture, movement, and stability.” These technical aspects of the OHS make it difficult to develop just through training. It takes both training and practice to develop a technically sound and strong OHS. Practice includes lots of volume at light weight, like a PVC pipe or broom handle, and consistent flexibility and mobility training. Want to improve? Start with 10 PVC OHS everyday, yes everyday. Of course, if your lack of mobility compromises your position, we will have you split squat today. Even though you can split squat it's important to continue working on mobility, flexibility, and position for a standard OHS. They are in The Open every year and doing them well increases our overall athleticism.
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