If you're ready to row a 2K, raise your hand. We love the simplicity of CrossFit's approach to nutrition. It is this: "In plain language, base your diet on garden vegetables, especially greens, lean meats, nuts and seeds, little starch, and no sugar." Pretty simple and straightforward, no? Notice there are no guidelines on how much to eat. This can be a touchy subject for lots of folks. Eating is such a personal pleasure and it is spiced with family history, culture, emotions, etc. When it comes to the amount of food to eat, we really like the simple guidelines from Precision Nutrition:
Try this to start. If you're still hungry, EAT! You need to eat when you do CrossFit. This stuff if hard and you need to replace the glycogen you used to for your max effort deadlift, during Fight Gone Bad, and on your long weekend hike. We have found that CrossFit athletes can usually handle a higher fat content. Eat the entire avocado. You'll feel better.
If you have questions about your diet, nutrition plan, how much to eat or when to eat it, ask a coach. They can point you in the right direction. Today's Workout Wendler Back Squat Week 1 then For time Row 2000m We are 1 PERSON away from becoming an official Affiliate Host for the Murph Challenge on Monday. Let that final registrant be you! Register today!
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August 2024