Coach Noah demonstrating excellent landing mechanics on the box jump. Notice his upright posture and slightly bent knees. Even with a 20# weight vest, his box jumps were quiet.
Hydration is a lifestyle and performance practice to which you always want to pay attention. But, now that summer is almost upon us, you will want to pay careful attention to how much water you drink daily. For those of us doing the Whole Life Challenge, we are challenged with drinking 1/3 of our body weight in ounces of water daily. For a 140lb CrossFit athlete, this is 46 ounces of water a day. This is the minimum recommendation without regard to working out, temperature, etc. If you go for a long hike, bike ride, do a CrossFit workout, or spend any time outside, your hydration needs will be higher. Some sports exercise guidelines recommend 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily. This increased water consumption helps lubricate joints, ensures our muscles cells are adequately hydrated, and helps with recovery. Muscle cells contain 75% water! If you are dehydrated, even a little bit, the biochemical reactions in your cells can be compromised. Water is an important solvent in our cell, transporting dissolved chemicals into our our of our cells as needed. Water dissolves nutrients we need for growth, maintenance and repair. Water is the medium in which most of our intracellular reactions occur. Water not only lubricates our joints, but acts as a shock absorber for our eyes, and spinal cord. Drinking water is an important source of minerals. Often, people who are stuck at a weight loss plateau can bust through the plateau by increasing their water intake. Try it. Increase your daily water intake to 1/2 your body weight in ounces and see what happens. You will probably feel better in addition to looking better. Drink up! Here's to your health. Today's Workout Week 2 Wendler Back Squat then, As many rounds and reps as possible 10 min of: 10 Box Jumps 24/20" 15 Wall Balls 20/14# 5 Good Mornings 45/35#
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August 2024