We had a great time climbing and camping at Revenue Flats. We hope you can join us for our next True Spirit Adventure. While we were with friends, seeking solitude in nature is a great way to recharge and discover your true spirit.
We are only 10 days away from the completion of our Spring Whole Life Challenge. This week's lifestyle challenge is to spend 10 minutes each day in quiet solitude. This quite time should not include any distractions, no books, no music, no computer, phone, etc. Just you and your thoughts in quiet contemplation for 10 minutes everyday. You can meditate, pray, write in a journal, or just close your eyes and be quiet. These 10 minutes every day are so valuable. It's a gift to ourselves, really. A small break from the constant stream of information and stimulus. Most of what we're bombarded with everyday has so little value. Yet, when it's in our face it's hard to ignore. We get caught up in it, get anxious or angry, and at the end of the day, so much of what we get worked up about is really not worth it. Spending 10 minutes with yourself everyday allows you to gain a different perspective. Quite time in solitude allows you a deeper glimpse into what makes you uniquely you, in all of your imperfect perfection. We are going to spend 10 minutes today working on our clean & jerk. How different would this experience be if we did it in silence? Today's Workout Cycle 2 Week 1 Wendler Back Squat Add 10lbs to your previous 1RM to calculate your new percentages 5 reps @ 50% 5 reps @ 60% 5 reps @ 70% 5 reps @ 80% 5 reps @ 85% then, Texas Cardio Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes 2 Squat Clean & 1 Jerk at 75-85% of 1RM Use the max effort clean weight you established on June 11 to calculate your workout percentage.
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August 2024