B-Man is ready for today's 500m rows. It's hard to believe summer is nearly over. School starts next week and our long days of parties, visitors, vacations and good times is winding down. Summers in Montana are purely magical. We like to party and have a good time. For some of us, Coaches included, we relax our nutrition plan and let ourselves indulge. We will be indulging and celebrating our One Year Anniversary at our party this Saturday. That's why it's perfect timing that the next Whole Life Challenge starts on September 19th. Fall is a great time to recommit to good eating, moderate drinking, and elimination of known inflammatory foods (sugar, wheat, dairy, etc.) It's time to return to a Paleo nutrition plan. We will, again, be an Official Team for the Fall Whole Life Challenge. The Fall WLC runs from September 19 - November 13. The Whole Life Challenge is more than just a nutrition challenge. You earn points for following 7 key areas of health and well-being: nutrition, hydration, supplementation, exercise, mobility, life-style practices and daily reflection. $39 Early bird registration ends September 4, after that registration increases to $49. The winner gets a cash prize. Past winners include Wendy Richards, Coach Heidi and Dover. Who will be our next winner? It could be you! Today's Workout
4 rounds for time of: 500 m row Rest 3 mins This is a CrossFit main-site workout from Aug 8, 2014.
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August 2024