Row or run fast today, the choice is yours.
The 2017 Fall Whole Life Challenge starts on Saturday. The Whole Life Challenge is an 8 week challenge that includes nutrition, exercise, mobility, sleep, hydration, a weekly lifestyle challenge, and a daily reflection. Every day, for 56 days, you keep score on the lifestyle choices you made with respect to the WLC 7 Daily Habits. 1. Eat by the WLC rules you choose at the level that is right for you. Make conscious choices that support your vision for a healthy lifestyle. Earn up to 5 points daily for nutrition. The nutrition component of this challenge is about making good choices, and you get to choose the nutrition program that's most applicable to you. Not yet ready to go strict Paleo? No worries, I'm not asking you to. 2. Exercise for at least 10 minutes each day. We recommend 3-5 “workouts” each week. The other days you’ll earn your points by being active. Bike, climb, hike, or even take an invigorating walk at sunset. This is your time to move daily. You earn 5 points for exercise. You don't have to do CrossFit for this, although I'd love it if you worked out with True Spirit CrossFit & Yoga. 3. Stretch for at least 10 minutes each day. You earn 5 points for stretching. I think you should earn double points for yoga, but then again I'm biased. 4. Drink one third of your body weight in oz. of water each day. You earn 5 points for water. You'll be surprised at how much better you feel when you're fully hydrated. 5. Sleep has a profound influence on your overall health and well-being. Getting seven to nine hours of sleep isn’t possible for everyone. Therefore, you’ll be responsible for your own sleep prescription, choosing a sleep duration goal that fits your life while challenging you to improve your sleep habits. You earn 5 points for sleeping 6. Live the WLC weekly lifestyle practice – things like sleep, meditate, & supporting others. You earn 5 points each day you complete the weekly lifestyle task. I'm really excited about this practice! 7. Reflect at the end of each day and check in with how it went and how you’re doing. No amount of numbers can paint the whole picture. Your daily reflection helps you see how the challenge is really going. You earn 5 points for your daily reflections. The goal: We want you to treat each Habit with equal importance, understanding that the Whole Life Challenge is not just a “nutrition challenge” or an “exercise challenge”—it truly is about your entire lifestyle. Sleep, Hydration, Reflection, Mobility, and the Lifestyle Practice are all at least as important as Nutrition and Exercise. The WLC is a challenge to see how much of an impact you can have on your body, fitness and lifestyle habits over 8 weeks. We will have a cash prize for the winner. The next Whole Life Challenge starts September 16th. Click the image below to join our team.
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