Don't hide your face! You want to go into this workout with your eyes wide open!
Well, here we are at our final Row'd Royalty workout. Did you know that we are AMAZING! Yes, it's true. We have so many phenomenal rowers in our gym and look how well we're doing WORLDWIDE in Row'd Royalty. Yep, you're seeing that right, we moved up to 14th from last week's 19th ranking. THIS IS HUGE PEOPLE! Nice work everyone!
Now that you know you are amazing, let's get you fed with amazing food. Last week I talked about nutrition timing and the importance of your post-workout meal. Today. I'm sharing with you a great post from Precision Nutrition (the company I studied with to get my Exercise and Sport Nutrition certification.)
Carbohydrates are important for fueling our activities and are especially important to consume in your post-workout nutrition window. I think it's a great idea to eat your starchiest carbs like potatoes, winter squash, rice, etc. in the first meal you eat after your workout. So if you workout at 6 AM you should eat starchy carbs for breakfast, if it's 9am or noon for you then lunch is when you'll concentrate your starchy carbs. There is much internet debate on the role of potatoes in a healthy diet. As you know, all of the Facebook nutrition advice you receive is backed by science and should be followed dogmatically (insert Coach Leslie's sarcasm here.) Potatoes are just fine for most people! If you are diabetic or are following a Keto diet you'll probably steer clear of starchy carbs, but for the rest of us, a cupped handful portion of potatoes are a fine addition to your post-workout plate. Now, which ones to eat? THE ONES YOU LIKE BEST! Both potatoes and sweet potatoes have lovely vitamins and minerals. Both have lovely fiber. Both come in lovely colors. I prefer purple food so I like to eat purple potatoes. If you prefer red food then you should eat red potatoes. If you don't care, then eat the ones that taste best to you! Here's a rundown on the benefits of each type.
I eat potatoes every week and you know how I cook them? In my slow cooker! That's right, I just load up white, purple, red, blue, orange or white potatoes in my slow cooker and cook for low for 8 hours or high for 4. You can have them in a single layer or on top of each other. You don't need to add anything to the slow cooker. Set it and forget it. I usually do mine overnight so I can make a to-go lunch of baked potato covered with spiced ground beef, chili, or Coach Heidi's crack chicken. But since it's Foodie Friday I'm going to hook you up with a few recipes. Click on the images for the recipes. Enjoy!
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August 2024