Often when we lift we have a running dialog in our head. It's helpful to focus and concentrate on ONE thing for each attempt. Focus on the one thing, and when that becomes easier, move on to something new. Watch today's Technique Tuesday to see how three CrossFit Games Athletes focus on one self-cue for their snatch.
Today we are practicing the snatch, one of the two Olympic lifts. Your coach will be drilling your snatch technique using the 3 position snatch progression. This progression helps you learn proper balance, bar path, and the importance of a powerful hip explosion. The snatch is one of the most technical and frustrating lifts we do in CrossFit. It is unparalleled in developing speed, balance, coordination, power and strength. Develop a proficient snatch and all of the other lifts we do will feel much easier. After you work on your 3 position snatch progressions, you will do today's workout. Today's workout does not have a prescribed load for the snatch. You get to pick what you are capable of lifting. However, the spirit of today's workout is to lift something near the end range of your technical ability. You can choose one weight and use it for all seven rounds, or you can increase your weight for each round. You must make one successful snatch before you start the next round. Good luck! Today's Workout 5 sets of 3 position snatch increasing weight then, 7 rounds for time of: 35 Double Unders 1 Snatch, pick load Make one snatch attempt per round. Do not count missed reps.
Today is a very special Mobility Monday because it is also Leap Year Day! According to the omnipotent Wikipedia: A leap year (also known as an intercalary year or a bissextile year) is a year containing one additional day (or, in the case of lunisolar calendars, a month) added to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical or seasonal year. Because seasons and astronomical events do not repeat in a whole number of days, calendars that have the same number of days in each year drift over time with respect to the event that the year is supposed to track. By inserting (also called intercalating) an additional day or month into the year, the drift can be corrected. A year that is not a leap year is called a common year. We celebrate our extra day by starting our Goals & Goats programming. For the next month we are setting aside 15 minutes in one class each week to work on 1. something you want to achieve - Your Goal, or 2. something you suck at - Your Goat. It's your choice which one you want to work on today. Ask your coach for tips, drills, and techniques to help you tame your goat or work towards your goal.
Today's workout comes to us from the CrossFit Mainsite. This workout is interesting because it incorporates a STRICT movement - knees to elbows. While we often measure our fitness by how much work we can accomplish, other measures of fitness include balance, accuracy, strength, coordination and agility. You will need these fitness qualities today to accomplish the workout. Be sure to watch today's Mobility Monday video about elbow position and pushing mechanics of the push-up. Practice good technique and your efficiency will improve, as will your scores. Good Luck! Today's Workout 15 Mins of Goals & Goat work then, 5 rounds for reps of: 1 minute of deadlifts 185/135# 1 minute of push-ups 1 minute of strict knees-to-elbows Score is total reps. This is a CrossFit Mainsite workout from Jan 29, 2016. Join Coach Jon today for CrossFit at 9am. Stay for yoga with Tami at 10:30am.
Today's Workout Coach Jon's Choice! |
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August 2024