Which team has more spirit? We need your vote! Click on each image to see it larger. An additional 10 points goes to the best team photo. Post your vote to the comments.
Here's the leaderboard for our gym. Don't see you name on there? Make sure you officially register and compete in the CrossFit Games Open next year!
Today's workout is a test of our cardiovascular respiratory endurance, aerobic metabolic pathway and mental toughness. Good luck!
Today's Workout For time: 10,000m Row This is a CrossFit mainsite workout from Jan. 10, 2016. Happy Birthday Duane!
We hope your special day is full of love, laughter and a heavy barbell.
#FITITFORWARD Week 2- This week teach a friend to do a push-up. Post the picture to FB or Instagram with #truespiritcrossfitandyoga and #fititforward and your friend could win FREE FOUNDATIONS. Be sure to bring 'em to Guest Days April 8 or 9.
CrossFit is an intense shared experience. This is one of the aspects that keep us retuning to the gym. Over half of the gym just finished competing in the CrossFit Games Open. All of us experienced moments of doubt, discomfort and fear. Yet, all of us overcame these feelings. Many of us achieved new personal records, did a difficult movement for the first time, or experienced the relief of finishing 84 thrusters and bar-facing burpees. The story we tell ourselves before and during our workout can have a profound effect on our physical performance. It's totally normal to have a little (or a lot of) trepidation as you're staring down a barbell or looking up at the pull-up bar right before the coach says, "3, 2, 1, Go!" It's natural to have moments of doubt as you begin the workout. But, the story you tell yourself can be a positive one. Your story can reflect the truth, and the truth is that you are capable of so much more than you think. We so often put limits on ourselves that are based not on fact and truth, but rather on fear and doubt. Imagine how amazing it would be if you told yourself that you're strong, fast, committed and brave. Think about how it would feel to be in your body with that story running between your ears. Would you stand taller? Would you be in control of your breathing? Would you dig just a little deeper? The story we tell ourself is the most important conversation we can have. Too often in our lives we let other people's opinions and words impact our story. However, their words and opinions are just as untrue as the crazy shit we tell ourselves. Try this trick, speak to yourself as if you were speaking to your child or best friend. Could you imagine every saying to them then things we will tell ourself? HELL NO! Once you realize that YOU are the author of your own story, you are empowered to change it. You have accesses an endless well of positive energy to rewrite your story. You can rewire your thinking to allow positive energy to flow through your body, empowering you to tackle a challenging workout, enabling you to be decisive and courageous in all aspects of your life. Here's to being the author of our own stories! Today's Workout 15 minutes hand balancing/handstands & core skill work then, Helen 3 Rounds for time of: 400m run or row 21 American kettlebell swings 1.5/1pood 12 pull-ups Compare to Sep 15, 2015 #fititforward week 1 - This week you are paying forward your fitness to a friend. Teach a friend to squat, post a picture on Instagram or Facebook and tag #truespiritcrossfitandyoga and #fititforward. Your friend will be entered into our drawing for FREE FOUNDATIONS! Bring your friend to guest days on April 8 & 9th!
Chris R. digs deep to finish those 55 deadlifts during Open 16.4. Today we begin our discover your True Spirit weekly lifestyle challenge. This week's healthy lifestyle challenge is to drink at least 1/3 of your body in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 125lbs, you will consume no less than 42 ounces of water today. Yes, your bathroom visits will become more frequent. However, this will normalize. Proper hydration keeps your tissues healthy and supple. Being hydrated can help reduce joint pain. Drinking 1/3 to 1/2 your body weight in ounces can also help you lose weight and keep it off. Water can help you feel full, it's important for maintaining your metabolism, and aids in all manner of important physiological functions. Being slightly dehydrated, e.g. a little bit thirsty, chapped lips, will make you feel hungry, crave sugar and can disrupt your sleep. In essence all healthy lifestyle practices can be impacted by dehydration. Thus, drinking water and staying adequately hydrated is a keystone lifestyle habit that will positively impact all others. Bottom's up! Today's Workout Gymnastics pulling progression: 5 rounds not for time. Pick a pull-up, muscle-up, rope climb or T2B progression that challenges you. You can pick an item from different levels.
Today we get heavy! We love heavy days. They have an incredibly positive impact on your hormones and metabolism. Heavy days are also great confidence boosters! Think about how fantastic you feel when you pick up a heavy barbell. That kind of confidence can and should be carried with you throughout your day. Heavy days make you unfuckwithable!
We have been working on our snatch for 5 weeks now. We have developed it through drills, practice, getting heavy, and today we end our snatch work with a CrossFit Games Open Workout from 2013. This workout taxes your ability to keep good form and efficient technique as you progress through the ladder of snatches.
As with any high rep snatch workout, the pull from the floor becomes increasingly important as fatigue sets in. You might find some benefit from SLOWING DOWN your pull from the floor. The energy you save by keeping the bar close will help you keep going as the reps accumulate. Scale the snatches by starting with a lighter weight. Aim to get through at least two rounds of the snatches before the 17min time cap. We have started our #fititforward campaign. This week you are paying forward your fitness to a friend. Teach a friend to squat, post a picture on Instagram or Facebook and tag #truespiritcrossfitandyoga and #fititforward. Your friend will be entered into our drawing for FREE FOUNDATIONS! Bring your friend to guest days on April 8 & 9th! Today's Workout Spend some time working on your snatch technique then, CrossFit Games Open Workout 13.1 As many reps in 17 mins as you can of: 40 Burpees 30 Snatches 75/45 lbs 30 Burpees 30 Snatches 135/75 lbs 20 Burpees 30 Snatches 165/100 lbs 10 Burpees max reps Snatches 210/120 lbs Compare to Aug 8, 2015 |
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August 2024