It's April Fool's Day! What will Coach Heidi program for this special day? Come to the 9am class and find out!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUANE! We hope your special day is filled with love, laughter and a heavy barbell.
Jessie K. looking poised during her double unders. She crushed the Whole Life Challenge and changed her relationship with food. She is continuing the healthy eating habits she learned whilst on the WLC.
Foodie Friday Guest Blog!
I am super excited to introduce our Foodie Friday guest blogger, Heather McDonnell. Heather is a certified Eating Psychology Coach by the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. She guides women into building healthy and satisfying relationships to food, body and life. Learn more at her FREE TALK next Saturday April 8th at 10am at our gym or at her website
Why Knowing What to Eat Isn’t Enough
by Heather McDonnell Have you ever followed an expert’s advice: “eat this, don’t eat that,” or “eat less, move more” only to find your health hasn’t improved or the weight hasn’t budged? Perhaps knowing what to eat just isn’t enough. Where, when, how, and why we eat all influence the way our bodies digest and assimilate a meal. Let’s consider how we eat. Eating while stressed, rushed, or distracted puts your body into sympathetic nervous system dominance. This stressed state shuts down your digestive system as it prepares to “fight or flee”. While in the stress response, blood flow, oxygen, and enzymes in the gut decrease; healthy gut bacteria die; we excrete nutrients and increase inflammation; insulin and cortisol are released, hormones that signal the body to store fat and not build muscle. You can be eating the healthiest, freshest, most organic food on the planet, but if eaten under stress, you literally decrease the nutritional value of that meal. When we are rushing our meal or pushing ourselves to do the next thing on our list we are not able to notice what truly nourishes us. For full nutrient assimilation and calorie burning capacity, try initiating the relaxation response. Sit down; take 3 deep breaths before your meal; eat slowly; put your fork down between bites; See, smell, feel, and ideally even taste your food! With these strategies, you will boost your metabolism and satisfaction without even changing what you eat! Please join Heather next Saturday, April 8th after our 9am CrossFit class for an informative free talk on healthy eating.
Today's Workout
Gymnastics Pressing Progressions then,
Are you joining us for the Sprouts Dinner Club on Sunday, April 9th? Sprouts Dinner Club is the creation of True Spirit CrossFitter Heather Kahler, aka Chef HK.
Sprouts Dinner Club is a super fun way to learn how to create incredible healthy food without a recipe. Together we create a menu, figure out how to create each dish and sit together to enjoy what we've created. Chef HK guides us every step of the way. It's so much fun! We hope you'll join us at the next dinner. You can RSVP here.
Katie gets heavy in her bench press with encouragement from her family! We love it when couples and kids workout together.
Sometimes mental toughness means working out even when we aren't motivated. Having a consistent and reliable workout partner can keep you motivated and focused. If you know you're going to meet someone at the gym, or better yet, you travel together, you're much more likely to stick with your fitness program. It's no secret, CrossFit is hard! These workouts are intense. Many of us feel that the relationships we forge in the gym are amongst the strongest we have. Bonding through a shared common experience of intensity brings us together like no other friendship. The shared experience of discomfort during the workout and euphoria after the workout tap into our primal human instincts. Where else in your life do you have such commonality with people irrespective of their religion or politics? It's hard to find as adults. CrossFit brings us together. We sweat, curse, yell, grunt and grind through a workout together. We become more human...together. Today's Workout Choose either bench or shoulder press
Allison and Frank getting after those DB walking lunges during Open workout 17.2.
We completed our 2017 New Year Whole Life Challenge last week, but that doesn't mean that all of our good eating habits go out the window. The WLC folks have created "off-season" weekly challenges to keep us on track. This week's off season challenge is to eat our veggies. All of you who completed our Foundations program know that we place a high importance on the quality and quantity of our food. While we advocate a Paleo diet of meat, vegetables, nuts & seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar, our version of the Paleo diet is focused around vegetables. Vegetables should fill the majority of your plate and be the largest quantity of food you consume. How much should you eat? We like to start with this easy guide from the folks at Whole30.
You can see that after you've measured your protein you fill the rest of the space on your plate with vegetables. FILL YOUR PLATE WITH VEGETABLES! Then, eat them. If you need inspiration here are my three favorite resources:
Sprouts Dinner Club - next meal is Sunday April 9th Well Fed Nom Nom Paleo What are your favorite cooking and recipe resources? Share in the comments. Today's Workout |
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August 2024