Origins of April Fools' DayAccording to
"Some historians speculate that April Fools’ Day dates back to 1582, when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563. In the Julian Calendar, as in the Hindu calendar, the new year began with the spring equinox around April 1. People who were slow to get the news or failed to recognize that the start of the new year had moved to January 1 and continued to celebrate it during the last week of March through April 1 became the butt of jokes and hoaxes and were called 'April fools.' These pranks included having paper fish placed on their backs and being referred to as “poisson d’avril” (April fish), said to symbolize a young, easily caught fish and a gullible person." Whatever! I wish we had stayed with the Julian calendar, It makes way more sense to me to have the new year start on the Spring Equinox rather than the dead of winter. But hey, what do I know? I know that Coach Anne has something fun planned for you today and you would be a fool to miss it. Join her Saturday at 9am. I've seen the workout she has planned and it is no joke!
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What's For Dinner?Woohooo! It's #foodiefriday! I'm excited to cook something fabulous this weekend and plan next weeks dinners. I also have plans to go to the new Mexican place, La Esquina, at the Cannery. Have any of you been yet? Share your experience in the comments. Cooking is a basic human endeavor. We all must eat, multiple times a day, and feeding yourself and others is a basic skill we all must develop. Without it, we will die or be dependent on someone else. I don't want to be dependent on anyone else for my food! Food is the foundation of my health and I want that squarely under my control. So, what will you eat for dinner? How about another delectable recipe from The Splendid Table? This weekend I'm cooking this delicious chicken recipe based on pizza:) Click on the image below for Pollo alla Pizzaiola. Mangia bene! It's Mental Toughness Thursday and today we're exploring the difference between practicing and performing. This post is inspired by an Instagram post by Ben Bergeron. Ben Bergeron owns CrossFit New England and is the coach for the 2016 CrossFit Games overall female winner, overall male winner, several Masters winners and the Team champions. He knows a thing or two about coaching. Here's part of his post: "...most people are either training or competing, but never get around to actually practicing.” Most athletes don’t know the difference between the three. “Most people think that they’re training, but they’re actually competing,” according to Bergeron “If, after a training session, you’re concerned with the scores of other athletes or whether you beat your PR, you’re competing". When you're at the gym are you practicing or performing? Which matters most to you, doing something correctly or being at the top of the leaderboard?
When we do our skill work we are practicing. When we do our Crew warm-up we are practicing. When we do the Burgener warm up, or any work with the PVC pipe, we are practicing. Practice is incredibly important in the development of your athleticism and fitness. It takes many, many tries and sometimes many fails before something finally clicks. Training is utilizing the skills we practice at higher intensity. It's the next step in your athletic and fitness evolution. Performing is when you put it all together for The Open. The workout of the day is intended for training. If you treat the WOD as a performance you are letting your ego get in the way of doing something better or more efficiently. When you push back on a Coach's cue, you are not open to practice and training, you are focused more on performance. Next time you're in class, check in with your mental status. Are you nervous about the workout? Perhaps it's because you're thinking of it as a performance. Relax, this is training. Take a deep breath, focus on mechanics, consistency then intensity. Go back to the fundamentals and you will improve. If if work's for the Fittest Woman on Earth, it will work for you. âSports Nutrition & Supplements - What Menopausal Women Really Need with Abbie Smith-Ryan, PhD
The most recent Feisty Menopause podcast, Sports Nutrition & Supplements - What Menopausal Women Really need with Abbie Smith-Ryan, PhD, is one you'll want to bookmark, listen to a few times and take some notes.
As most of you know, I am not an advocate for supplements that are not based on rigorous peer reviewed science. Did you know that most supplement research is done on men? Women, especially those of us in peri- and post-menopause, are often excluded from exercise and nutrition research. We're also the largest consumers of supplements. So, when I find studies and peer-reviewed papers specifically addressing women I'm eager to share them with you. This podcast is full of EXCELLENT scientifically valid research on which supplements serve us best. I encourage you to listen to the entire podcast so you understand WHY these supplements might benefit you. Here are some of the supplements discussed that have been tested and researched specifically for women. ![]()
This is a photo of Table 1. Supplement considerations for the active female individual, from the article Active Women Across the Lifespan: Nutritional Ingredients to Support Health and Wellness, Ryan-Smith , et al., published in Sports Med. 2022; 52 (Suppl 1): 101â117. Click on the image for the full journal article.
This podcast is just not about supplements. Dr. Smith-Ryan also discusses specific sports nutrition needs of women. Did you know you should NOT workout fasted? You need to eat something before you workout! Protein and an easily digestible carbohydrate is best. After your training session is the time to eat more complex carbohydrate and starches. Yay!
You can watch the podcast above on You Tube or click below to listen on Stitcher. Share with us in the comments something you learned or something you did that you're now going to change. |
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August 2024