Happy Birthday Scott! We hope your special day is fun of love, laughter and perhaps some burpees! Today's Workout Hildy For time:
Today we begin our Independence Weekend celebration of heroines. We start today with Hildy in honor of Army Spc. Hilda Clayton, 22, of Augusta, Georgia. Spc. Clayton died from injuries sustained when a mortar malfunctioned during an Afghan National Army training exercise in Qaraghahi, Afghanistan. She was assigned to the 55th Signal Company and the 21st Signal Brigade in Fort Meade, Maryland, and was providing Combat Camera support at the time of her death. She is survived by her husband, Chase Clayton.
Tomorrow we are honoring White. Join us at 9am. WOD Notes Level I - Spend no more than 6 minutes on the row or decrease the calories. Ensure at least 5 consecutive reps of the thruster can be accomplished during every set or decrease load. The spine should remain neutral throughout the entire movement. Think about squeezing the belly, especially when the bar is overhead. For the pull-ups, find a band resistance that allows 3-5 consecutive reps. The wall balls should be completed within 3 minutes or decrease the number of reps. Aim to complete this workout within 25 minutes. Keeping a steady pace, even if moving slowly, is a great way to approach this workout. Level II - Execute this workout as Rx without the 20-lb. vest or body armor. If unable to execute at least 10 consecutive reps per exercise, decrease reps. Spend no more than 8 minutes on each row attempt. Aim to complete this workout within 30 minutes. If able to meet the time domain with Rx reps, execute this workout with a vest in the future.
Matt is committed to a minute of weighted plank hold. Today is the last workout in our two weeks of repeating workouts. We hope you enjoyed repeating some of these oldies but goodies. Did you see improvement? Were your times faster or your loads heavier? Repeating workouts is one of the ways we measure your fitness and improvement. Seeing improvement and fitness gains is a real motivator to stay committed to your fitness practice. Commitment, is of course, a mental toughness virtue. Commitment to a practice, be it CrossFit, yoga, meditation, or any of our weekly lifestyle practices, is the only way you'll enjoy lasting change. Commitment, however, requires the integration of a whole suite of other mental toughness attributes. Commitment requires discipline, consistency, and focus. What was the last thing (or person) to which you committed yourself? Relationship commitments are common in our culture. What about your commitment to yourself? How often have you committed to a healthy lifestyle only to fall short? Our commitment to ourselves is arguably the most important. If we do not take care of our body, mind, and spirit, who will do it for us? We are here to help you stay committed to a fitness practice that has a profoundly positive impact on your physical, mental and spiritual health. Thank you for trusting us. Today's workout starts with some gymnastic skill and strength work. Archers are a ring exercise that helps you develop shoulder strength and stability. Hollow holds help you develop lower abdominal awareness and strength. Once you've completed the short 10min EMOM, you will move your bodyweight horizontally and vertically. Coach Leslie created today's workout many years ago. It is intended to be completed in less than 12 mins. If needed, break up the first round of squats into 2-3 sets. Then try for 2 sets and then unbroken reps for the remaining rounds. The burpees, of course, require commitment. Good luck! Today's Workout Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes alternate between: 4 archers 30 sec hollow hold then, 21-15-9 reps for time of: Back Squat at bodyweight Burpees Compare to Sep 30, 2014 We are celebrating the Fourth of July by honoring three female heroines. Friday, Saturday and Monday we're doing the only 3 female Hero workouts CrossFit has created. Monday, July 4, we will have only ONE CrossFit class at 10:30am.
Happy Birthday Brian! We hope your special day is filled with love, laughter and a few burpees! This week's Whole Life Challenge Weekly Lifestyle challenge is to show appreciation for others. Showing our gratitude is a simple and profound way to bring positivity into our lives. When you thank someone, both of you are changed. Here's what the folks with the Whole Life Challenge say about this week's lifestyle challenge. "We all walk around with hidden appreciation for other people. For various reasons, we don’t always share it. Vulnerability, fear of feeling silly, and discomfort all get in the way of telling people we appreciate having them in our lives. This has an effect on them, too. Not feeling appreciated can leave people feeling disconnected and lonely. Making a practice out of the uncomfortable and unnatural is how we grow. We all want to feel like we connect and get connected to. The simple practice of saying “thank you” and sharing why something mattered changes everyone involved. People feel noticed and heard, and you get to feel the way that only gratitude can make you feel—known, heard, rich, and appreciated." Here are the guidelines for this week's practice:
This workout is light and fast. It's meant to be completed in under 10 minutes. The snatch reps should be broken into no more than 2 sets. Keep moving on the burpees. Good luck! Today's Workout 20 mins to find max effort hang snatch (power or squat) then, Beatrix 21-15-9 reps of: Hang Snatch 95/65# Burpees Compare to Jan 11, 2016 We are celebrating the Fourth of July by honoring three female heroines. Friday, Saturday and Monday we're doing the only 3 female Hero workouts CrossFit has created. Monday, July 4, we will have only ONE CrossFit class at 10:30am.
Today's workout is from the very first CrossFit Games Open, and our Technique Tuesday is the workout standard video for 11.5. My how times have changed! The CrossFit Games Open us now sponsored by Reebok and is a premiere sporting event. Tony Budding, who is the video's host, left CrossFit in 2013 and started the National Pro Fitness League. Today's workout is a classic CrossFit triplet. The reps are low and meant to be unbroken. If you're still working on your toes to bar, do as many as you can and then switch to knees to elbows/chest. Good luck! Today's Workout CrossFit Games Open 11.5 As many rounds and reps in 20 min as possible of: 5 Power Cleans 145/100# 10 Toes To Bars 15 Wall Balls 20/14 # Compare to Sep 20, 2014. We are celebrating the Fourth of July by honoring three heroines. Friday, Saturday and Monday we're doing the only 3 female Hero workouts CrossFit has created. Monday, July 4, we will have only ONE CrossFit class at 10:30am.
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August 2024