The CrossFit Open is a worldwide ALL-LEVELS competition that is open to everyone! One of the things I LOVE about the Open is that we are all competing together and there are levels accessible to all participants. In fact, there's an adaptive category that Kelsi (in the photo above with the knee brace) did for the 2022 Open. There's a level for everyone! Imagine the Olympics or the Superbowl hosting a competition that included the elites AND the novices. That's the Open! We are repeating the 2022 Open and we're calling it the REOPEN. We have done a REOPEN every August since 2015. This year I'm challenging everyone to do a backwards and upside down REOPEN. We are repeating the workouts in reverse, we start today with 22.3, then next Monday with 22.2 and finishing Monday, Aug 15 with 22.1. That's the backwards part. So what makes this an upside down REOPEN? If you're repeating workouts, I challenge you to try a different category. Last year, when I did the REOPEN I repeated all of the workouts Scaled since I had done them Prescribed during the Open. If you did the Foundations category, try Scaled. If you did the Scaled category, try Prescribed. For all of you Prescribed firebreathers, you might think the scaled is "too easy." I guarantee it's not. For an extra challenge try to beat this best scaled athletes from this year's Open, Sean and Sam. I dare you! I hope you enjoy our REOPEN. share with us in the comments your favorite OPEN memories.
Coach Nick always has fun classes. We are super excited he'll be returning to coach more classes starting in September!
How to Create the Perfect MealEvery Friday for the past 8 years I have been sharing recipes. We all know that nutrition is the foundation of health. We know we can't out exercise our diet. We know we are what we eat. But, still. It can all go sideways so darn fast. That's why I LOVE this infographic from Precision Nutrition on How to create the perfect meal. Sometimes we just need a KISS reminder that when we pair these with that, add a bit of those, and sprinkle a little of this we have a damn good meal. IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE FANCY IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE FILLED WITH ALL KINDS OF FOOD RULES! It DOES need to work for you, and that might be keeping it simple, stupid:) |
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August 2024