Coach Leslie as she pulls herself under a 155# snatch. She just set new Montana State Records in the snatch, clean and jerk and qualified for the 2018 National Masters Olympic Weightlifting Championships. It's Whole Life Wednesday! How did you like doing nothing for 10 minutes last week? Some of us had more trouble with this lifestyle challenge than we did with 10 minutes of daily meditation. How about you? This week we are working to prioritize our daily and weekly to-dos. The instructions are simple:
"Life can often turn into an undifferentiated mess of the truly important things mixed in with the immediate problems that show up moment by moment. Tell us in the comments, what is the one thing you must do today?
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Katie and Allison partner up for a row. Ideal rowing partners those two! Happy Halloween! Are you ready for a CrossFit Linchpin Monster Mash? It's no secret we have a CrossFit Crush on Pat Sherwood of CrossFit Linchpin. Pat and his cadre of coaches come up with some brutally elegant programming. Today's workout is brutal, that's for sure. Pat describes the development of the weekly Monster Mashes as thus: "The Monday Monster Mash began as a request from a few buddies that work with me at CrossFit HQ. They asked me to program them a weekly competition so they could throw down against each other. They had all been doing CrossFit for multiple years and could handle the volume, so I agreed. Eventually, I began to post these Monday Monster Mashes on social media and they developed quite a following of people from all around the world. A word of caution, these workouts are potent! If you are not ready for the volume, loading, or anything else, please scale as appropriate. The Monday Monster Mash is very well suited for competitors at both the Regional and Games level for one simple's a big dose of pure CrossFit. Sometimes at the upper echelon of the Sport of CrossFit there can be a tendency to over complicate training, and soon you've drifted a bit far from the classic, high intensity style of programming that got you so damn fit in the first place. Enjoy." Pushups and deadlifts on the menu today. It's Mobility Monday and Week 7 of our 8 week Whole Life Challenge. The end is near! How are you doing? We want to hear from you! We continue our follow along Mobility Monday practice with Yoga Tune-up. You can do this practice at home, on a work break, at Goals and Goats or Open Gym. Good luck working out the issues in your tissues. |
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August 2024