The 6am class is a bunch of animals!
Well, here we are in Week 4 of the CrossFit Open. Are your hamstrings finally recovered from 20.3? Congrats to Michelle H. for getting her first hand release push-ups and Jessie and Nate for their first handstand push-ups. The magic of The Open continues. Who will be the next superstar? By now you've probably noticed that you need a little extra recovery from the Open workouts. Even though none of us will qualify for the Games, the Open is still a competition and it takes a toll on our central nervous system. Carbohydrates are an important macronutrient that you need to help you recover from The Open. At this time of year my favorite source for delicious local carbohydrates are potatoes, apples and winter squashes. Check out this fantastic recipe for Harvest Pork & Cider Stew from Dishing up the Dirt. Enjoy!
You and your buddy will have fun with a medicine ball pumpkin today.
Choose wisely:-) Happy Halloween! Reverse plank practice:-)
Monday I wrote about the myth that cravings are our body's way of telling us that we need certain nutrients. I argue that if this were true, logic and critical thinking would reason that we should crave peas, tuna, oysters, spinach, and Swiss cheese since these foods are high in zinc, Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin D. These three micronutrients are the most commonly inadequate in our diet. Last Wednesday I explored Vitamin D supplementation, this week I'm exploring Omega 3 fatty acid supplementation. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for eye and brain health, have important anti-inflammatory properties, and improve cholesterol ratios. Back when we hunted, foraged and fished for our meals our primary sources of Omega 3 fatty acids were (and still are if you hunt, fish and forage for your food) salmon, trout, sardines, oysters, seaweed, nuts and seeds, and some leafy greens. There is some evidence that meat and fat from game and grass-fed animals have appreciable amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids. There are three types of Omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA which come from animals and ALA which comes from plants. DHA and EPA specifically have a large and robust body of scientific research exploring their role in our bodies. The research on ALA is just as robust, however the findings show it not to be as beneficial as DHA and EPA. So the type of Omega 3 matters. If you're not eating salmon, trout, sardines, oysters or other delicious fish twice a week, you might consider fish oil supplementation. Recommended supplementation amounts vary based on the reason for supplementation. For example, if your goal is general health then 250mg is adequate. However, if you're at risk for heart disease, the American Heart Association recommends 1g for high risk individuals. Pregnant woman are encouraged to take only 200mg per day. The dose matters (and it makes the poison) and more is not necessarily better. Omega 3 fatty acids supplements are often bundled with Vitamin D. This is a win-win for you because Vitamin D is fat soluble so the Omega 3 it's bundled with will increase absorption. Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids are 2 of the 3 most commonly inadequate micronutrients in the average American. The other micronutrient is zinc and I will explore that next Wednesday. Is there a supplement about which you have a question? First, search for it on, and then ask me to do some digging. I'll find out the latest science and extend what I find to you. Stay warm! Samantha B. has been a CrossFitter for over 4 years!What was your fitness, CrossFit, or yoga "life" like before you started training with True Spirit CrossFit?
I was always a self-motivator when it came to fitness. I was mainly a runner and though I found solace in training for longer distance races. I had this desire in my head and in my heart to push limits, but my body was saying the opposite. Running slowly broke me down over the years to a point where I couldn't push myself beyond a mile. I needed something to feed that still very present desire, so I looked to CrossFit. What brought you to True Spirit CrossFit & Yoga in the first place? I wanted to get stronger and I wanted to look fitter. Little did I know, CrossFit would teach me how to be at peace with myself, too. What was your first impression? Has that changed? My first impression was love at first sight. I've battled with that love, as I do with anything in life, but it has become something stable and has brought many positive relationships to my life. Not to mention, it is a nice escape from the everyday. What was the first thing fun or positive thing you experienced while training with us? Learning that I am stronger than I thought, has been the most fun experience. With this mindset, I try to embrace every movement CrossFit brings my way. I'm still learning how to break my own limitations, but thats the fun part. I get to continue this process of discovery. Are you working on any special CrossFit related skill now? I am currently focusing on my deadlift and my pull-ups! I want to lift at least 1.5x my body weight (plus some) and I want to be able to do at least 5 strict pull-ups now that I can do one! UPDATE: GOAL ACHIEVED! How has you life changed since training with TSCF? I'm just happier. What's your favorite True Spirit CrossFit memory? There is no single memory, but my favorite times are when people, myself included, finally reach a goal that we've been working on since the beginning (i.e. muscle ups, double unders, pullups etc.). Those moments bring so much energy to the class and reinvigorate everyone. It makes us all think that we too, will reach our goal someday. |
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August 2024