With the holiday season upon us, it's easy to get sidetracked off our consistent healthy eating and exercise routine. It happens to us all, even your coaches. It's easy once we're out of our healthy routine to get stuck in a downhill slide. This downhill slide actually has a name, the "Oh, what the hell" effect. We've all been there, you eat one Christmas cookie and you think, "Oh, What the Hell" I'm eating one, I might as well have just one more. Just one more cookie can be just that, one more. But, for many of us just one more can easily slide into the entire bag, more cookies tomorrow, and pretty soon we're eating Christmas cookies everyday and feeling terrible about ourselves. THERE IS ANOTHER WAY! First - Get rid of the judgement, guilt, and other negative feelings. Guilt and judgement do not serve us. They are emotions that make it difficult to tap into who we truly are as humans. So you ate one, some or all of the Christmas cookies. It doesn't mean you're a bad person, or that you're weak, have no control, whatever. It means you like cookies and when the cultural pressure to eat them is astronomically high, you eat them. That's it. It really is that simple. Second - Make a different choice. Once you're able to let go of the guilt, judgement and all the other emotions that don't serve you, you are free to make a different choice. You are free to see that your choices are simply that, choices. Choices have consequences, that's all. Once you're aware of the consequences and can let go of the guilt and judgement, you're on your way making choices with full consciousness. Next time you're staring down a plate-full of cookies you can make a choice. You can eat none, one, or with full awareness of how you'll feel you can eat them all. The point is, you're making a fully conscious choice. Once we have raised our consciousness we are no longer a slave to emotional eating. We can choose something different. I know you can do this! Good luck! Today's Workout Gymnastics Pressing Progressions - 3-5 rounds not for time. Pick a handstand push-up, ring dip and pistol progression you can do. You can pick a progression from different levels as needed.
As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 mins of: 10 Wall Balls 20/14# 50 Double unders We're working our endurance today. While the time domain is not long, the wall balls and double unders will keep your heart rate high for the entire 12 minutes. The reps are low so you know you will keep moving consistently. This workout will gas you in no time. Stay focused on being consistent, stay calm and keep moving!
Lindsay is standing stall with 215lbs. Do you know how many women in the gym can deadlift more than 200lbs?
Ask any of us who have complete a Whole Life Challenge and we'll tell you that eventually the weekly lifestyle challenges become the most important and most impactful on our lives. The weekly challenges are all about helping us create new lifestyle habits to help us manage our stress. Stress is the root of all of our suffering. Stress impacts our quality of life more than any other thing. Stress impacts your sleep, which impacts your mood, which impacts your eating choices, which impacts how you feel about yourself. Stress affects everything. The better you can manage it, the healthier and happier you will be. Lucky for us the WLC folks recognize just how important these weekly lifestyle challenges have become for many of us. They are now offering official Off-Season WLC Skill Practices. Woohooo! These Off-Season WLC Skill Practices are mini-challenges intended to help you fine-tune different aspects of your health and wellness. Offered between Challenges, these weekly practices address fitness, nutrition, stress reduction, productivity, and personal connection — because health is about far more than food and the gym. This week's challenge is to: Get Up 30 Minutes Early Every Day This Week Simple Instructions:
"How you begin the day sets the tone for the entire day. It can be hard to “seize the day” and make the most of it if you’ve only allowed yourself the bare minimum to get out the door in one piece — not to mention if you have a troop of little ones, a pet, or other obligations to handle in addition to yourself. Without some wiggle room, it becomes easy to start your day with forgetfulness, stress, and disorganization. Getting up early is also a great way to get “me-time.” I know many mothers who cherish the time before the rest of the household awakes. It’s the time of day when they get to do exactly what they want and need to do. Imagine you could actually finish that book you’ve been meaning to read or that you don’t have to come home to that pile of unfolded laundry. Experiment with your thirty minutes. Maybe one morning you try exercising during that time. Another morning, you might journal. And yet another morning, try making a list of what you intend to accomplish with your day. Or simply do “nothing” — go for a walk, sit by the window, or take big deep breaths while you sip your morning coffee. There is no “wrong” way to use these thirty minutes. But through experimentation, you may find a very “right” way to begin your day. The Whole Life Challenge asks you to examine your life through a different lens – your physical health, your emotional health, and your overall lifestyle. This eight-week challenge will improve your daily habits, leaving you happier, healthier, and more in control of your outcomes. If you’re ready for a change, this is your opportunity. " Today's Workout 10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10 Reps for load of: Deadlift Yippee it's a deadlift day. We love deadlift days. Don't you? Today we are getting heavy. Start your first set of 10 reps at about 50% of your 1RM and go up from there. Heavy days have a powerful impact on our neuroendocrine system and heavy days just also make us feel amazing! Enjoy! Catch, drive, finish, recovery - these are the four basic rowing stroke positions. Dialing in these positions is the SINGLE MOST important thing you can do to improve your rowing times. Watch today's Dark Horse Rowing technique video to remind you how to achieve good positions. Want to make your rowing even better? Take our basic or advanced rowing seminar on Sunday Dec. 11. Today's Workout Gymnastics Pulling Progressions: 3 - 5 rounds not for time. Pick a pull-up, muscle-up, rope climb or T2B progression that challenges you. You can pick an item from different levels.
Row’d Royalty 16.2 A
6 rounds for time of 250M row / 45 sec rest This workout is all about our phosphagen-creatine metabolic pathway. In other words, we are working speed, speed, speed. The sprints will take you just about 1 min to row. With unequal rest time, your recoverability is being taxed with each interval. You will be so glad there are only 6 intervals. These intervals are intended to be an all out sprint for each one. Don't hold back. Drive, drive, drive! Compare to Jan. 15, 2016. Today we are working all three overhead presses and all three squats. It's a terrific workout to help you develop your skill in each lift. It is a very demanding workout on shoulders and your coach will help guide you through mobility to improve your front rack position. Who doesn't want a nice rack? Today's Workout For time: 10 Shoulder Press 115/75 15 Overhead Squats 115/75 (split squat modification) 20 Push Press 115/75 25 Front Squats 115/75 30 Push Jerks 115/75 35 Back Squats 115/75 This workout is from the rack and develops core & shoulder strength, and leg endurance. Aim to complete this workout in less than 15 mins. If you split snatch or have been told by a coach to not overhead squat, you will overhead split squat. The reps DO NOT need to be completed unbroken. In fact, we recommend breaking the push presses and push jerks into sets no larger than 10. Similarly, consider partitioning your front and back squats into sets of 10 and 5. This workout taxes all three metabolic pathways and is surprisingly aerobic. Good luck! Compare to Feb 7, 2015 Happy Birthday Derek!We hope your special day is filled with good food, good drink, lots of love, laughter and perhaps a heavy barbell!
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August 2024